Andrew Moore ~ Coach/Creator

The Rule of Three

‘The Rule of Three’

“The Rule of Three is a writing principle that suggests that a trio of events or characters is more humorous, satisfying, or effective than other numbers.[1] The audience of this form of text is also thereby more likely to remember the information conveyed because having three entities combines both brevity and rhythm with having the smallest amount of information to create a pattern.[2][3] It makes the author or speaker appear knowledgeable while being both simple and catchy.

Slogans, film titles and a variety of other things have been structured in threes, a tradition that grew out of oral storytelling.[4] Examples include the Three Little Pigs, Three Billy Goats Gruff, and the Three Musketeers. Similarly, adjectives are often grouped in threes to emphasize an idea.

The Latin phrase “omne trium perfectum” (everything that comes in threes is perfect, or, every set of three is complete) conveys the same idea as the rule of three.” Source: Wikipedia

I have extrapolated on this theory through research of best practices in web dev. and marketing. Here are a few examples:

  • When split testing paid ads on platforms like Google Ads, Bing, or F.B., it’s best to use and track three ads simultaneously (A, B, C split testing). All other factors being equal, you will soon find that one ad does (usually) far better than the other two. At that point, you either change the two under-performing ads and run further tests, or eliminate them completely and leverage the achiever.
  • Usually, if those ads are run for a full three days, you will be able to garner enough the results from a long enough spectrum to draw conclusions and make educated decisions.
  • In the case of this project, there are three principals striving for the same thing; a successful, viable platform. The three involved all bring different talents, abilities, experiences, contacts and energies- focused on the same, well-defined goal(s).
  • To eventually, roll into a successful media company, it must first have a solid foundation and establish authority in the space/niche. I believe this could be soundly achieved by first a robust and viable (income producing) web site. Then, or perhaps soon after inception, inexpensive videos could be produced, and the content reconstituted in a number of ways. Example: An interview is conducted and filmed. Stills photos are taken (for the site and thumbnails). The video is edited and posted to the site’s channel on, but also embedded in the site (back-linking). Text is pulled from the video and also added to the site (more SEO). And finally, the audio is pulled from the video and posted as a podcast- adding more authority, driving that traffic back to the site.
  • For organic SEO; Immediately produce the following three categories of content:
    • 1) 10 question answering articles (question posed in the headline after keyword research) Who Are The Best Rock Guitarists of All Time? Approx. 1500+ words with back-links to sources.
    • 2) 10 ‘Pillar’ articles- these would be at least 5000+ words, meaty- with back-links.
    • 3) 10 ‘List’ articles eg. ‘So You’re Starting A Band, Here’s 10 Things to Know’ these are more informal/skim-able, but of value and interest. Word count as necessary to the topic.

These guidelines I’ve taken from successful sources (that I will also consult with directly) have proven time and again, that if a site is constantly worked on and substantial content is added (with back-links), the 6 month mark is when Google trust/ranks a site and the page views explode (the hockey-stick effect). If some of the other aspects of varied content (as listed above) are put into practice, serious results can happen much faster. I fully believe that this effort/niche is not only viable, but an absolute winner if managed correctly.

Monetization: Programs similar to Adsense- that pay for impressions. Direct ad campaigns. Affiliate marketing for niche/interest relevant products (with higher returns than AMZ). E-products/programs (outsourced and provide almost 100% profit once the ROI is reached. And possibly, high-ticket consulting programs, which could then be leveraged into the elements that make a successful media company.

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